Wednesday, August 16, 2006

A Slow Process Forgotten

I forgot how straining it is to paint. I call it the agony and the ecstasy but this certainly won't become the agony of defeat! I should have my first painting up in day or two. It has been a few years since I've painted and I forgot how happy it makes me.


Anonymous said...

You know as well as I, nothing that comes quickly and without agony is appreciated. Keep up the incredible work. You will always be your worst critic; however, don't sell yourself short GIRLFRIEND!

Lisa said...

Thanks again Heather, I miss ya at work!

Larry Seiler said... time, painting can become quite a gift to one's self. A vehicle by which to grab hold of life and celebrate living. In time, words or other ways to get your meaning across just don't seem to do justice...and then when you've come to that point... simply HAVE to paint!

Keep at it...
remember the words of Winston Churchill (also a painter) who said-
"Success is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm!"
